Looking to enable remote work for your employees, but don't know where to start?

We know that the demand on employers to offer some sort of remote work or work from home solution to their employees has dramatically increased over the past few years. While some might see this as an "easy" change to make, we know that there's a lot to be considered and weighed in making this decision.

With our Remote Ready Transformation offering, we can enable you to take the guesswork out of configuring and securing your business’ remote work strategy.

What is it?

Unfortunately, there’s no “10 quick steps to…” guide for enabling and securing remote work. Each business has unique needs and considerations that must be made when thinking about this transition.

With the Attainable Security Remote Ready Transformation offering, you are able to work with cybersecurity professionals to devise a comprehensive remote work program that enables your employees to be secure and productive while working away from the office, while giving you the peace of mind that your business data is still secure.

How does it work?

We’ve developed a process that relies on four key stages: these allow us to empower you and your business with a robust, practical, and secure remote work strategy.

Initial Assessment

During this stage, we work with you to better understand your unique business needs: your infrastructure, current security posture, security policies, etc. Throughout the assessment, we will be also working to understand your business goals for remote work and how you envision enabling it for your workforce.

Technical and Policy Implementations

Armed with the information gathered during the assessment stage, we are able to begin creating and implementing your curated and tailored remote work solution. This includes the implementation of any technical controls as well as policy controls that will bring your business closer to its remote work vision.


After all of the implementation work is done in the implementation stage, we work with your employees to provide the necessary training to help them feel confident that they can work remotely in a secure manner that continues to protect the business and its data.

This stage is crucial to ensuring that your business’ remote work strategy is effective at both securing your business and enabling your employees to be at their best levels of productivity.


Once the training stage has been completed, we will continue to check in with you to see how your new remote work program is doing! We also make ourselves available to you in case there are any questions, concerns, or issues that arise as the program begins to take shape and grow and your teams settle into their new rhythm of work.

Remote Ready Transformation

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  • Offer Remote Work Securely!